Las Vegas “Law”, Nevada, United States of America




Rossi T. Ralenkotter’s management style is:



-Lawrence Weekly (in 2016)
Long-time Democrat Clark County Commissioner and LVCVA board member/chairman.

Democrat Lawrence Weekly took more perks than any other LVCVA board member over three fiscal years (2013-2016) analyzed by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. In 2015, Weekly was named the LVCVA board’s 20th chair since 1955, and he is the first African-American to serve as the LVCVA’s board chairman. During the years 2013-2016: “The county commissioner accepted about $33,000 worth of travel, meals and what he reported as gifts from the authority, including an $11,000 flight to South Africa, a trip to China, a Bluetooth speaker and a Fitbit.” Plus any unreported gifts that he may have accepted. In 2019, Lawrence Weekly paid $2398 in ethics fines for his 2016 “willful misconduct” that was designed to “secure an unwarranted privilege or advantage to himself.” Democrat leech Clark County politician (and first African-American to serve as chairman of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority) Lawrence Weekly even had the audacity to complain to journalist Jeff German about how unfairly he had been treated.


Even baby brother judge Gibbon$$$ couldn’t take as much undeserved public ca$h as the criminal thieves from the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. Indeed, the corrupt LVCVA sets the tone for Las Vegas, with its 14-member board comprised of a diverse public and private cross-section of Clark County corruption. To make a long story short, Democrat Rossi T. Ralenkotter was the LVCVA’s CEO-President from 2004-2018, and by the end of his reign, Ralenkotter “earned” more than $860,000 per year in government pay and benefits. Despite that generous compensation package, Ralenkotter still felt the need to also steal at least $16,906 worth of Southwest Airlines gift cards for himself and his wife. The always-generous Democrat thief also gave away a bunch of the stolen cards as “gifts” to his employees. More than $50,000 of the illicitly-obtained airline gift cards remain completely unaccounted for, to this very day. Ralenkotter was only caught through bad luck after an unanticipated 2017 Las Vegas Review-Journal investigation shined a rare bright light on his always-corrupt government operation:

“The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority spends millions of taxpayer dollars on high-end entertainment, including top-shelf liquor and $300 steaks, as well as gifts for employees and first-class trips for board members. The agency’s lavish purchases at times have little or no business purpose and routinely violate its own vague expense policies.”

That news article prompted a governmental audit which discovered the gift card theft scheme, resulting in a police investigation. Democrat criminal Ralenkotter quickly “retired” under suspicion on August 31, 2018, just two months after the police investigation began. His “retirement” was eerily similar to the unprecedentedly-dishonest 2016 “retirement” of unelected Democrat lifetime “senior” criminal leaker “justice” and UNLV Professor Emeritus Nancy “I had nothing to do with it!” Saitta. In August 2022, unelected elderly criminal “senior” idiot Nancy Saitta was publicly reprimanded for her incompetence, lack of diligence, and failure to obey the law, making her the only Nevada judge this calendar year to be punished slapped on the wrist. She is such a stupid moron imbecile it took her more than three (3) years to NOT properly complete one (1) divorce. Criminal Democrat Nancy Saitta also lied to everyone about everything throughout her lengthy admitted misconduct.

Just before Democrat Ralenkotter’s shotgun retirement, and before Ralenkotter was charged with any crimes, corrupt Democrat LVCVA Chairman Lawrence Weekly (who stole $700 of the airline gift cards = “willful misconduct” for his daughter in July 2016, paying $2398 in ethics fines for his uncharged crime) requested and somehow obtained a corrupt “letter” from the always-corrupt Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department which prematurely (and unprecedentedly) claimed that there was not enough evidence “at this time” to charge Ralenkotter with any crime. Good luck getting one of those “letters” for yourself. Lawrence Weekly declared that bogus Metro “letter” an exoneration, and rushed through Ralenkotter’s latest gigantic gift from the corrupt-as-hell participating/colluding board. In 2016, shortly before they were both caught, Lawrence Weekly had described Rossi Ralenkotter’s management style as “poetry in motion” while approving his $166,000 bonus. This time, Commissioner Weekly and his cohorts quickly gifted the soon-to-be-charged Ralenkotter with an enlarged annual pension expected to be worth $350,000 a year, plus $455,000 in ca$h/prize$ as a goodbye bonu$. The corrupt Democrat millionaire criminal thief also received roaring applause, a standing ovation, and a video tribute.

Michael Schaus, a spokesman for the conservative watchdog group Nevada Policy Research Institute, called the 2018 Ralenkotter payout “an absolute insult to taxpayers.” Schaus accurately assessed the overwhelming corruption of everyone associated with the LVCVA:

“The retirement deal shows that the board is nothing more than a club for cronies. The board had absolutely no obligation to offer any sort of deal, and their decision to use taxpayer money to further enrich someone that has clearly violated the public trust in such an obvious way shows just how unserious the board is about even attempting to be responsible stewards of public dollars.”

In 2019, despite the corrupt/wrong/unprecedented Metro police “clearance” “letter” obtained by Lawrence Weekly, Ralenkotter WAS charged with two (2) felonies, theft, and misconduct of a public officer. Two other LVCVA employees and one Southwest Airlines employee were also charged.

Then . . . Ralenkotter’s arrest warrant was quashed/recalled, he was never arrested, booked, or fingerprinted, his mug shot was never taken, his case completely disappeared from the docketing system without a trace, and in 2020, Ralenkotter magically escaped his two (2) felony charges under cover of the disingenuous lies routinely spit out by corrupt-as-hell always-cheating always-lying always-shit-talking Democrat scumbag piece of shit Clark County D.A. Steve Wolfson:

CoVid-19 required that the felony charges against Rossi T. Ralenkotter be dismissed.

As reported by Jeff German, Ralenkotter admitted no guilt while pleading “no contest” to one misdemeanor count of violation by a public officer, NRS 197.220, the lowest slap on the wrist he could get, and paid back the $16,906 he stole, paid a $1000 criminal fine, paid a $24,406 ethics fine, and started collecting his gargantuan never-ending publicly-financed pen$ion. So Ralenkotter stole $16,906 from the public, at the very least, never spent a single second even walking through a jail, and there is no online official court record of his criminal case even existing. “In light of the pandemic, my office has been focused on crimes of violence,” Wolfson said. “The backlog of cases in the system has caused us to prioritize our caseload.” Right. Never let a serious crisis go to waste.

Delusional Democrat egomaniac (“My leadership, my experience, my good judgment is what is needed by this community at this time”)/self-proclaimed T.V. star D.A. Steve Wolfson (a huge favorite for re-election in 2022) wasn’t too concerned about prioritizing crimes of violence when it came to prosecuting the 2015 violent Anti-Latino gross misdemeanor battery hate crime committed by Leslie Parraguirre, the wife of his “friend”/current chief “justice” of the Nevada supreme court and fellow San Diego State alum Ron Parraguirre. NRS 200.481 (Battery); NRS 207.185 (“Penalty for commission of certain unlawful acts by reason of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression of another person or group of persons.”). Parraguirre is a fourth-generation Nevadan and a second-generation judge who ran unopposed for re-election in 2022. Parraguirre began his corrupt “service” to the Silver State back in 1991 as a Las Vegas municipal court judge, and has been a corrupt member of the supreme court since 2005. He will continue fleecing and profiting off of the unfortunate Nevada People until 2029 – and beyond. In 2020, “justice” Ron Parraguirre was recognized as one of the 1000 most accomplished graduates in the history of San Diego State University, officially ranked just a few hundred spots below LGBTQQIP2SAA+ activist Kathy Najimy, best known for her portrayal of Peggy Hill in the animated TV classic King of the Hill.

When corrupt Clark County D.A. Steve Wolfson obviously-corruptly-dismissed Leslie Parraguirre’s 2015 (gross misdemeanor Anti-Latino hate crime) battery case, he didn’t have CoVid-19 to blame for his lawless in-your-face corruption. This time, instead of blaming the man-made Chinese/Democrat bio-weapon for his obviously-corrupt activities, Wolfson just came up with some equally-ridiculous nonsense: “We requested the officer’s report and never received it. . . . Without the officer’s report, it’s difficult for us to move forward on the battery charge.” Right. A Las Vegas Metro police department spokesman told the Review-Journal that officer’s reports are not routinely prepared and he could not find one in Leslie Parraguirre’s (gross misdemeanor Anti-Latino hate crime) battery case. In other words, good old-fashioned Metro police work. Case closed.

Steve Wolfson had quickly become comfortable (he was appointed to the job in in February 2012) with just bald-faced outright lying to the Review-Journal (and spitting in the face of the Public) whenever the newspaper inquired about the obviously-corrupt injustice that Wolfson was currently orchestrating and/or presiding over. Actually, the truth is, violent Anti-Latino gross misdemeanor battery hate crimes DO NOT EVEN EXIST in Las Vegas – at least when the defendant is a crony/donor or the wife of a San Diego State “justice.” That is the “law.” If you got a problem with that, D.A. Steve Wolfson takes “extreme exception” and vice pig Sheriff Joe Lombardo is “absolutely offended.” And that’s that.

Actually, Steve Wolfson’s name is MUD. En español también. He is a cowardly little lying cheating embezzlement-ignoring corruptas-hell cocksucking bitch. The only non-stupid people who “believe” any of the bullshit he spews out are the dishonest lawyers (= all of them) mandated by the State Bar of Nevada to toe the company line, pretend that everything is on the up and up, keep their mouths shut, keep the Public in the dark, obey all the “protective” orders that are in place, and keep the fraudulent parasitic money machine running strong. It’s a club for cronies. And you’re not in it.

In 2016, the hate crime battery victim of Leslie Parraguirre, Oliver Gomez-Baez, told the Review-Journal that he believed that Leslie's battery charge was dropped because of Ron Parraguirre's influence. That was the last anyone ever heard of Gomez-Baez.