Las Vegas “Law”, Nevada, United States of America



“We are led by the least among us –

the least intelligent, the least noble,

the least visionary.”

-Terence McKenna (1946-2000)
American ethnobotanist and author.


Mark “liar, fraud, hack” Gibbons is an elderly unelected lifetime “senior” “justice” of the Nevada supreme court. He is also a criminal and a pathetic wannabe murderer. Gibbons criminally participated in a death penalty case that he was disqualified from, and he tried to extrajudicially murder a Nevada citizen. Gibbons’ many corrupt criminal cohorts on and off the Bench openly aided and abetted his extrajudicial crimes, and allowed and encouraged him to satisfy his cowardly lawless bloodlust.

Things like that happen all the time in Nevada. Every single day. Law is a joke, the Fix is in, and bald-faced corruption is always running the show. See, e.g., Sheriff Joe LomTardo vs. Governor Steve Sissylack. Democrat Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson “honestly” claims: “In 99.9 percent of the cases, the system gets it right.” Steve Wolfson was awarded his undergraduate degree from San Diego State University, and he was obviously not a math major.

The Gibbons’ brand of extrajudicial “law” and legal incompetence is what the Nevada People pay dearly for – always & forever. Mark Gibbons “earned” his undeserved unending million$$$ by fleecing the Public, taking “anomalous” unconstitutional ca$h from the taxpayers, breaking ethics laws, committing extrajudicial crimes, lynching innocents with lies, and generally running roughshod over the United States and Nevada Constitutions for the last 25 years. Gibbons is the worst of the worst – objectively. Mark Gibbons bought his way onto the Bench in 1996 and stole $833 million from Nevada taxpayers in 2003. Guinn v. Legislature of State of Nevada, 119 Nev. 277 (2003) (“case study in failed jurisprudence”). And again, disqualified fake-“justice” Gibbons tried to MURDER a man – on the record – due to sheer unadulterated pride. NRS 200.010 (Murder); NRS 200.020 (Malice); NRS 200.030 (Degrees of Murder; Penalties); NRS 193.330 (Attempts); Sharma v. State, 118 Nev. 648 (2002) (“[A]ttempted murder is the performance of an act or acts which tend, but fail, to kill a human being, when such acts are done with express malice, namely, with the deliberate intention unlawfully to kill.”). You can even download the Nevada Supreme Court Order that confirms Gibbons’ crimes.

Mark Gibbons belongs in prison. Alongside his criminal cohorts Pickering, Hardesty, Saitta, Cherry, Parraguirre, Douglas, and lesbian Stiglich. They all aided and abetted Gibbons’ attempted murder which makes them all guilty of attempted murder themselves. NRS 195.020. That is the law. They also all agreed to participate in the crime together, which makes them guilty of conspiracy. NRS 199.480. Lastly, they are all guilty of “willful misconduct in office” and Obstruction of Justice. Nevada Supreme Court Rule 7(5)(15)(16) (“Any deliberate non-compliance with this rule will be regarded as willful misconduct in office.”); 18 U.S.C. 1503 (“whoever . . . corruptly . . . influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice” is guilty of an offense against the United States). Their only possible defense is that they can’t read English.

Back when I was a lawyer, in 2019, I requested a criminal referral from a Federal judge for all of the above criminals, and more, but it didn’t go over too well. Neither did my earlier judicial discipline complaints against the “lying, dishonest, incompetent, money-grubbing snakes who proudly vomited all over the United States Constitution.” Nevertheless, their outrageous never-ending corruption, obvious crimes, and pathetic lies will remain on the record forever, albeit ignored, covered-up, and exalted by the entire Nevada judiciary, the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline, and the criminal State Bar of Nevada.

Now, at over 70 years old, Mark Gibbons has taken his unprecedented extrajudicial lawlessness into the private sector, hoping to $core a quick profit from the unwitting chumps who get $uckered/adhesion-contracted into the high-co$t JAM$ New World Order $ystem of private “re$olution” ju$tice. Doddering Mark Gibbons was forced to take another part-time job in a doomed effort to catch up to his wealthy little brother judge Michael. His time is running out, as his photos clearly betray. He was in a bind ’cause he was way behind. He was willing to make a deal. But Mark Gibbons’ pathetic $57,290 JAM$ pittance from 2021 couldn’t even begin to make up the necessary ground, and “liar, fraud, hack” will always remain a “judicial” failure relative to the achievement$$$ of his baby brother judge Michael.

Upon information and belief, Michael P.ayMe Gibbons has taken more money from the Nevada taxpayers than any other judge in the History of the Territory, since 1861.

Not including the $833 million that his brother stole.